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Journal : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 5, No 06 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pada pelaksanaan program pembinaan kewirausahaan oleh Community Development and Outreaching Untan pada Mahasiswa Program Bidik Misi Angkatan 2010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 82 mahasisiwa. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan program pembinaan kewirausahaan oleh Comdev yang terdiri dari 3 sub fokus yaitu pelaksanaan pelatihan kewirausahaan, presentasi proposal kewirausahaan, dan pendanaan proposal yang dari 3 sub fokus tersebut rata-rata sebesar 72 dari 82 responden menyatakan tanggapan positif dan yang perlu dijadikan evaluasi yaitu pada jadwal peleksanaan pelatihan, ketersediaan dana yang disediakan, dan kesesuaian dana yang tertera dalam proposal dengan dana yang didapatkan yang rata-rata 31 dari 82 responden menyatakan  respon yang negatif sehingga program ini perlu direvisi,dan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan oleh Comdev masih menggunakan data-data kualitatif sehingga belum bisa dikatakan baik. Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi, Pembinaan, Kewirausahaan Abstract: This research aims to determine the Implementation and evaluation of the entrepreneurial coaching program implementation by the Community Development and Outreaching Untan in Students’ Programs “Bidik Misi” in 2010. The method that is used in this research was qualitative research. The sample of this research was 82 students. The results of the analysis of the data showed that the implementation of entrepreneurial coaching program by Community Development that consists of three sub focus, these are the implementation of entrepreneurship training, the presentation of entrepreneurship proposal, and the funding of proposal. The funding of  enterpreneurship proposal consists of 3 sub focus that average of 72 from 82 respondents. The result showed that 82 respondents expressed a positive response and that need to be evaluation is on schedule of the implementation of training, the availability of funds provided, and the suitability of the funds contained in the proposal with funds obtained an average 31 from 82 respondents expressed a negative response so that this program need to be revised, and evaluations that have been conducted by the Community Development used qualitative data that could not be said that was good. Keyword : Implementation, Evaluation, Coaching, Entrepreneurial.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 9 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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 AbstactThis study aimed to determine the cause of child marriage cases in Nanga Nanga Subdistrict Amusement Parks Sekadau. This research method using descriptive qualitative. This research data sources parents who have children under age married and married adolescent minors. Through observation, interviews and documentation. With manual data collection tools of observation, interview guides. The results of this study indicate that the causes of early marriage in the village of Nanga Taman twofold. Factors promiscuity, economic factors and the impact of early marriage. Factors promiscuity because of his lack of parental supervision of children let the children are free to do anything. As it happens teenagers who often come out the evening until late at night. Berduan, dating in a quiet and dark at night and also follow the event or the local party to get drunk because the booze. Not looking young men and women. Economic factors that cause early marriage because of difficulties in the economy. Parents were only farmers and noreh rubber to the low income so that the income is not sufficient for the necessities of life. From there the adolescent girls into marriage a young age to a man who established the economic choice his parents well. Accompanied support from parents and the wishes of his daughters also because they want to reduce the burden on parents whose economic difficulties. The impact of child marriage is divorce is happening because of the young age unstable emotions often lead to bickering husband and wife in the household and the incompatibility of the couple and eventually decided to divorce / separation.Keywords: early marriage, Nanga Taman
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 8, No 11 (2019): Nopember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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AbstractThe Expertise Competency Test (UKK) is part of goverment intervention in ensuring the quality of education in Vacational High School education units. However, ths role is still less than optimal in terms of equility, relevance, effectiveness, effeciency, and quality of education itself. Essentially, it is the ability of human resources to determine the result obtained from education. This thesis is entitled ?The Effect Of LeadershipAnd Aducation Finance On The Outcomes Of Expertise Competency Test At State Vacational High School 1 In Simpang Hilir Northertn Kayong Regency?. This study aims tu analyze the importance of leadership an education funding on the result of the XII grade students? competency test in Vacational High School 1 At Simpang Hilir. Based on the research findings, it can be perceived that the magnitude of the result forthe coefficienton leadership variables is determined by the value of sig < 0,05 or Tcount > T-table which is 0,003<0,05 or 1,737>1,66. This indicates that the leadeship variabel inself (partial) has a direct and significant effect on the result of the expertise competency test, with and effect of 25% on the result. Meanwhile, on the financing variabel, it can be discerned that the magnitude of the results is 0,036<0,05 or 1,790>1,66. This shows that the educational funding variabel itself (partial) has a direct and significant effect on the result of the expertise competency test with an influence of 67,24% on the result. Furthermore, from the testing together (simultaneous) of the leadership variabels and educational funding, obtained F-count >F-table that is equal to 38,8>1,66, this determines that the variabel of ladership and educational funding directly influence the result of the expertise competency test, which is 38,8%.Keywords: Leadership, Education Financing, Expertise Competency Test
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 5, No 7 (2016): JULI 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dari siswa-siswa yang mengikuti lembaga bimbingan belajar mengenai lembaga bimbingan belajar. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan pedoman wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) persepsi siswa terhadap lembaga bimbingan belajar ditinjau dari harapan secara keseluruhan sudah terpenuhi, jika dilihat berdasarkan harapan-harapan siswa terhadap peran  lembaga bimbingan belajar secara keseluruhan. para siswa memiliki persepsi bahwa peran lembaga Bimbingan Belajar dapat menunjang prestasi belajar mereka di sekolah, (2) persepsi siswa terhadap lembaga bimbingan belajar ditinjau dari kebutuhan juga sudah terpenuhi secara keseluruhan. Ditinjau dari kebutuhan, siswa memiliki persepsi bahwa lembaga bimbingan belajar sesuai dengan apa yang siswa butuhkan dalam mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan belajar siswa di sekolah. Kata kunci : Bimbingan Belajar, Persepsi, siswa   Abstract : The purpose of this research is to determine the perception of students who join the learning course. The research applies qualitative approach with descriptive methods which include interviews and documentation guidelines as the collection tool. The results of this study include: (1) students' perception of the learning course in terms of expectation overall has been reached. The students have the perception that the role of the learning course can support their learning achievement in school, (2) students' perception of the learning course in terms of requirements also have been achieved. In terms of needs, students have the perception that their learning difficulties at school can be solved by the learning course. Keywords : Learning Course, Perception, Student
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 8, No 9 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.519 KB)


AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe the role of community leaders in preserving the Saprahan tradition in Pusaka Village, Tebas District. The approach used in this research is qualitative with descriptive methods. The implementation process is carried out by observation, interview and documentation study. The results showed that the role of community leaders in maintaining and preserving the Saprahan tradition in the Pusaka Village of Tebas Subdistrict is to guide the community by providing guidance and teaching to the citizens of Pusaka Village about what and how the saprahan tradition is carried out, as a motivator for the community by intimate approaching with residents, exchanging ideas with residents at leisure, providing encouragement and input to citizens in carrying out events and as an umbrella in the tradition of saprahan, namely providing security to the community by protecting and taking full responsibility for the event held so that the event runs orderly and smoothly. Keywords : The Role of Public Figures, Saprahan Tradition 
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 5, No 1 (2016): JANUARI 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak: Penelitian    ini   bertujuan   untuk   mengetahui penyebab kesulitan belajar siswa pada materi posting ke buku besar kelas X SMK Pembangunan Rasau Jaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah 17 orang siswa. Hasil penelitan menunjukan bahwa yang menjadi penyebab kesulitan belajar siswa adalah terletak pada faktor internal. Faktor internal yang menyebabkan terdiri dari sikap yang ditunjukan siswa ketika belajar masih kurang baik, motivasi belajar yang rendah, konsentrasi belajar siswa yeng terganggu, tidak adanya rasa percaya diri siswa dalam belajar, kebiasaan belajar siswa kurang baik dan tidak teratur. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa adalah dengan menggunakan metode mengajar yang bervariasi, memberikan bimbingan khusus, penugasan, memberikan motivasi serta pendalaman terhadap siswa dengan model pendekatan interaksi antara guru dan siswa, kemudian memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk belajar kelompok, agar siswa lebih aktif dalam berfikir dan rajin dalam latihan memposting ke buku besar. Kata Kunci: Kesulitan Belajar, Buku Besar, Akuntansi Abstract: This study aims to determine the causes of learning difficulties students on the material posting to the general ledger class X SMK Pembangunan Rasau Jaya. The method used in this study is a qualitative research approach. The data source of this research is 17 students. Research results show that the cause of learning difficulties students are located on internal factors. Internal factors which led to the attitude shown comprised of students when learning is still not good, low learning motivation, concentration impaired student learning, lack of self-confidence of students in learning, students are less good study habits and irregular. The efforts made by teachers to address students' learning difficulties is to use teaching methods are varied, giving specific guidance, assignments, provide motivation and the deepening of the students with a model approach to the interaction between teachers and students, then give students the opportunity to learn the group, in order to students are more active in thinking and diligent in the exercise posting to the general ledger. Keywords: Learning Difficulties, Ledger, Accounting
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Wahab Achmad Himawan Achmadi Achmadi Adhyaksafitri, Fiqih Adrian Damora Ady Mara, Ady Agus Muji Santoso Ahmad Lubab, Ahmad Alam, Rizky Bachrul Allan Firman Jaya Allif Syahputra Bania Amrazi Zakso Andestia Imanita, Andestia Andi Nur Aisyah Andini Inka Yuwono Ari Jamhari Pratama Ari Muzakir Ariani, Sri Shanti Asbone, Asbone Astuti, Retno Yuni Ayu Sutarto Ayu Sutarto Azizy, Ismi Visa Azuma, Momoyo Bachtiar . Baiq Nila Sari Ningsih Bayu Anggileo Pramesona Bayu Kurniawan Chairuddin Chairuddin Chansyanah Diawati Chitra Octavina Cut Morina Zubainur Definingsih Yuliastuti Desnelli Desnelli Dewa Ayu Citra Rasmi Dewanggana, Aria Dewi Wisnu Wardani Dewi Wisnu Wardani Eliza Eliza Elsye Maria Rosa Emmy Yuani Emmy Yuanita Emmy Yuanita Emmy Yuanita Endar Suprih Widayat Eny Enawaty Erlina Erlina Erna Isnandira, Erna Ery Susanti, Ery Esse Darmayanti Eva Mayasari Ewis Susanto, Ewis Fatma Fatma Fatmasari Fatmasari Fatoni, Fatoni Febriyanti Panjaitan, Febriyanti Febryana Dewi Artati Ficky Andrianto Franata, Febi Gusti Budjang Hairida Hambani, Susy Haryono Setiadi Hasan Bisri Hat Pujiati Henny Herawaty Holy Rumpun Bato&#039; Hudinoto Hudinoto Husna Amalya Melati I MADE SUDARMA Ibnu Jayusman Ichsan Ichsan ika agustina Illahi Manvi, Kurnia Ipro Hati Padilah Ira Lestari Irawan Irawan Irma Dewiyanti Irma Finurina Mustikawati Ismail Ismail Ismail, H. Ismi Visa Azizy Isnawati, I Iwan Sumarlan J. Priyanto Widodo Johan Yunus Junaidi Junaidi Khalif Anfasa Khayati, Dian N Kusbaryanto Laily Prima Monica, Laily Prima Laily Wahidatul Oktavia, Laily Wahidatul Lalu Dimas Pratama Atmaja Lukman Hadi M. Cholid Mawardi M. Denny Richardo Mahmudi, Irkham Mansyur Mansyur Masriani . Maulida Septiyana Megawaty, - Mirza Sanjaya, Mirza Mohammad Mulyadi Moses L. Singgih Muhammad Rifki Mukti, Aan Restu Murtadho Ridwan Musadad Musadad Mustika Ratnaningsih Purbowati Mustikawati, Irma Finurina Muthiah Ridhayanah Mutiana Muspita Jeli Nanang Sugianto Ni Komang Tri Dharmayani Nisa&#039;ul Kamilatul Azizah Noor Fadiawati Noor, Rabty Anistia Novi Khoiriawati Nufharistiara, Alya Nur Diana Nur Diana Nur Kuswanti Nuraini Nuraini Nurcholis Nurcholis Nurfadillah Nurfadillah Nurul Widayati Nurul Widayati Oke Anandika Lestari Panjaitan, Febriyanti Pradnyo Wijayanti Purwaningtias, Fitri Purwanti, Kiki E Puspita, Mefrie Putri Yulianti Radhia Reski Rahmat Rasmawan Retno Yuni Astuti Rike Puspitasari Tamin Rini Ismalasari Rini Muharini Ririn Suharsanti Ririn Suharsanti, Ririn Rizky Bachrul Alam Rody Putra Sartika Romel Hidayat Rustiyarso . Sabdho, Harry Dwi Sabrina Auliauz Zohroh Sahid, Muhammad Saifuddin Saifuddin Saifuddin Saifuddin Saleh, Zuhratus Sanjaya, Puguh Danu Saprizal Hadisaputra Saputra, Legi Saraswati, Nia Ayu Satrijo Saloko Setya Nugraha, Alfian Shierly Novalita Yappi Siti Fatima Azzahra Siti Lely Candra Kurniawati, Siti Lely Candra Sri Astuti Kalni Sriami . Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sugianto, Nanang Sugianto, Nanang Sulistiono Sulistiono Suparman, Moh. Agus Supratno, Haris Surya Hadi Surya Hadi Suryayusra, Suryayusra Susilorini . Sutinah Sutinah Suyanto " Syahri, Jufrizal Tantri Sarzuli Tantri Sarzuli, Tantri Terasne Terasne Terasne, Terasne Terasne, Terasne Tisnawati, Irma Noviana Tony K. Hariadi Tri Dharmayani, Ni Komang Utami, Tri W Vivi Sahfitri WAHYU WIBISONO Wahyunita Yulia Sari Warneri . Warsidah Warsidah Wening, Dayu Laras Widyasmoro, Widyasmoro Yoserizal " Yudanto, Ahmad Veda Yudiastuti, Helda Yulis Setiawati Yuni Arrifadah, Yuni Yusnarida Eka Nizmi